Table of Contents
In Vedic Astrology, note down the the twelve houses, Nine planets, 27 Nakshatras, and their position in a horoscope. This clearly depicts the mental condition of a person. Today I will explain some Astrological Significators of Mental Illness. These cause emotional pain and distress to those, whose horoscope has these combinations active in the ongoing time period.
Though it seems like a Psychology subject. But the truth is Psychologists will give you a questionnaire, then certain queries will be asked from the patient. Here the patient is answering honestly or not, this is tough to judge. On this basis, the mental illness diagnosis will be made. Thereafter followed by therapy or treatment.
But an Astrologer will understand the reality of the body, mind, and intellect of his client within a moment. With his intuitive abilities he will see the basic mindset, the purpose of the soul, and then through astrological skills check the planets and their Significations causing Mental illness.
Then after a complete horoscope analysis, give the best solutions. I will tell you about the most important Astrological Significators of Mental Illness. And if treated timely, it can be prevented from going to the worst condition.
But before that, it is essential to know what exactly is a mental illness. Then the different kinds of mental illness, plus the prime reasons behind it.
What is Mental illness?Â
This is an imbalanced state of mind. Where a person has to face a disorder that affects his mood, feelings, sentiments, behavior, and even decision-making.
The concern is that while physical abnormalities can be seen to be properly treated. But mental illnesses are kept under wraps, mostly due to the social stigma attached to them. This makes diagnosing and treating such illnesses more complex and critical. Let’s understand the various kinds of mental illness.
Types of Mental illness
- Anxiety disorders
- Behavioral and emotional disorders in children
- Bipolar affective disorder
- Depression
- Dissociation and dissociative disorders
- Eating disorders
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Paranoia
It’s very important to know the kind of mental illness. As in medical astrology, the 12 signs, and planetary placement signify certain diseases. Every mental disorder will have different symptoms, onset, and then severity.
Vedic Astrology provides us an explanation in this direction, where we can know if there could be a mental disorder that we should be cautious of, therefore, allowing us to take proper precautions and explore effective treatments to cure the ailment.
Reasons for Mental illness
The State of imbalanced Mind, Body, and Intellect is the main reason. And this can further be checked through bad childhood circumstances, and traumatic experiences, and many times it can be due to genetics.
Let’s understand how to analyze mental illness in a horoscope and this will include the signification of planets and then the combinations in the horoscope. Before understanding mental illness, you should check the disease-giving planets in the horoscope. Because one will face chronic mental issues if the horoscope shows promise.
Role of Planets in Mental illness
The most important planets that are responsible for your mental illness are as follows:
Moon: The position and strength of the Moon, play a significant role to see the mental status of a person. So firstly you need to understand what is a balanced moon and the imbalanced moon.
Imbalanced Moon
Moon represents the water, and 70% of our body consists of water. Thus if Moon is weak it will definitely affect the fluid in your body, This will result in mood swings, over-sensitive, sadness, and anger issues.
Balanced Moon
If Moon is balanced it means the person knows the art to stay in a joyful mood. He is emotionally very strong and also has good imaginative and intuitive skills.
Let’s find out the astrological combinations in a horoscope, due to which Moon gets afflicted. Firstly you need to see the position of the Moon in the Lagna Chart, if there is any relation with the 6th 8th, and 12th lord then Moon becomes weak. And due to this, you will have to face some mental issues.
Here I will add that if Moon is linked with the 6th house, it can give minor illness, if with the 8th house then it can cause chronic ailment. And if Moon is linked with the 12th house then it can cause hospitalization if with the 8th house. But if alone, then it can give certain defects, fears, sleep disorders, and even anxieties.
Moon and Saturn Effect
Moon is afflicted by Saturn. As we know Saturn is a dry planet, and if the Moon is PAC (posited, conjunct or aspected) by Saturn, then it will affect the fluids in your body, and you will be prone to depression and stress.
Moon and Rahu Effect
Moon PAC with Rahu gives a lot of problems. Rahu is a planet with no physical body of its own. So it shows things that are not present. This can give you diseases like Phobias, Hallucinations, Schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, low self-esteem, and depression. This can even make the person a narcissist or sociopath.
Other Afflictions to Moon
If Moon is in Paapakartari, which means that malefic planets are on both sides of the moon. For example: if Moon is in the 10th house and there is Saturn in the 11th house and mars in the 9th house. Therefore Moon is hemmed between malefic planets.
Kemadruma yoga, when there are no planets on either side of the moon When there is no planet on the 2nd or the 12th from the moon.
This results in restlessness, one might face loneliness or no support system. The debilitated Moon, Amavasya Moon birth, and Waning Moon birth also give mental disorders.
In Vedic Astrology, Mercury signifies the intellect and rules the mental stimulation of a person. It controls the nervous system in the body. So if Mercury is strong in your horoscope, then you will be very clever, creative, and a deep thinker. But if it is weak or afflicted then it can give you erratic behavior. The native might even suffer from depression, fickle-mindedness, and nervousness.
Now let’s find out the astrological combinations in a horoscope due to which Mercury gets afflicted and give bad results.
Firstly we need to see the position of Mercury in the Lagna chart if there is any relation with the 6th 8th and 12th houses then Mercury becomes weak. And due to this, you will have to face some mental issues. The next affliction to Mercury is given by Moon, Rahu, and Ketu. And if mercury is debilitated and functional malefic in the chart, then also it is considered weak.
Rahu and Mercury Effects
If Rahu is PAC with Mercury then it will give you cloudiness in your mind. It can give you phobia or any kind of addiction. The reason is that Rahu does not have a real body, therefore he is never content, and it explodes the energy of the conjunct planet and its Rashi lord. Hence an obsessive planet Rahu with Mercury, in fact, needs direction. This conjunction spoils Mercury completely and that results in severe mental illness, especially if linked with badhak or disease-giving houses.
In such a case, a person can face disorders like Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), severe anxiety, depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or phobia. This affects your daily lives and hampers your mental growth along with the proper functioning of the brain.
Moon and Mercury Effects
The combination of the Moon with Mercury can give illnesses like epilepsy. The position of Mercury in the Navamsha chart indicates the real strength of the planet.
If Mercury is afflicted in both Lagna, and Navamsha charts, and also if in the nakshatra of its enemy planet, then surely the person will have weird and unpredictable behavior. He might lose his temper and behave erratically. Also, he will be in a habit of blaming himself, can have rage issues, be over-sensitive, can have suicidal thoughts, and even lack confidence.
Jupiter is the Karaka of knowledge and wisdom in the horoscope. If Jupiter is benefic and strong in the chart, then it’s a blessing. This represents your intelligence, decision-making, and also your values and principles. It even makes you spiritually inclined, a learned person, and financially very strong.
But if Jupiter is weak then it will make you take wrong decisions, or have misjudgments, lack of concentration, and self-confidence. Consequently, it will ruin your physical as well as mental health. Remember that Jupiter is the Karak planet of good health and even recovery from diseases. And if Jupiter itself is causing disorder then the recovery is very slow.
Let’s discuss the Astrological combinations that cause afflictions to the most benefic planet, Jupiter.
The first step to check Jupiter is to see the position of Jupiter and the house lordship. This will decide the role allotted to this planet. So if Jupiter has the lordship of the 6th 8th and 12th house, then it becomes the functional malefic in the horoscope.
This gives bad results in Lagna Chart, but this position has to be rechecked in the Navamsha chart. Therefore if linked with the 6th 8th and 12th lords then Jupiter gives bad results. It will create mental chaos in your mind.
Afflicted Jupiter
The first sign of weak Jupiter is that the person is not able to think openly or intelligently. It will follow the wrong ways to get health, wealth, and happiness.
It creates dizziness in the mind. There is a constant conflict between wisdom and weak emotions.
This eventually results in a weak, personality, with an opposed mind, and causes stress in work or relationships.
Powerful Jupiter
If Jupiter is strong then it gives a healthy body and a very strong intellect. They take decisions considering the pros and cons and have a strong aura. They are definitely very knowledgeable in every sector.
Jupiter is considered the solution or therapy giver, so if with Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn, or debilitated in Capricorn, and has the lordship of 6th 8th, and 12th house, then it can surely give some mental illness.
The severity of the disease depends on the level of affliction. If other planets also get involved and are active in Mahadasha or Antardasha then it will make the disease chronic.
Jupiter is the Karaka of good health and presence of mind. Hence if Jupiter is afflicted, then the chances of recovery become dim, and severity increases.
This is a planet of growth, it will expand the disease and make the condition of the person worst.

Important Houses For Mental illness
Vedic astrology has highlighted the main houses of severe mental illness. Let’s discuss the most important houses to check the mental disorder of a person.
The first importance is given to the Aries sign and 1st house, as this is the sign which represents the brain, intelligence, and head region. Sun and Mars are the karaka of this house. Therefore if afflictions to this sign and karakas, it means the Lagna is afflicted. This can result in mental illness.
The third house is considered to check the lower mind of an individual. Since Mercury is the 3rd lord of the natural zodiac, so the communication, decision making, and even the way you perceive things.
If 3rd lord is related to disease houses or afflicted, then the person has a sluggish mind. This kind of mind becomes prone to all kinds of mental diseases.
Next, you see the status of the Cancer sign, and the 4th house, this is the house of comfort and happiness. Check the karaka Moon and Mercury. These planets depict your power of analysis and discrimination of the person.
And finally the most important 5th house, 5th lord, and karaka Jupiter. This analysis will indicate your intelligence, wisdom, and analytical skills.
Therefore afflictions in this house and its lord will result in depression, and mental instability and if not treated timely it can turn into acute mental illness.
Hence I would suggest that before jumping to the disease of mental illness, it’s very essential to check all the combinations in Lagna Chart, and Navamsha Chart, and also see Saptavimshamsha Chart.
The most important factor is the timeline, the running Mahadasha, and Antardasha. Then you have to check the transit results of the weak planets.
Timeline of illness
While analyzing a horoscope, the timeline becomes very significant. You might see bad combinations in the chart but at times Mahadasha of the disease-giving planet does not come in the person’s lifetime. So first you need to see the planet that will give illness and then the Dasha and transits.
For example, if Saturn is the main planet that gives illness, but the person is born in Mercury Dasha. In this case, Saturn Mahadasha will not come. Now it can come at Antardasha Level. This means the illness will be for a short period.
Let me tell you about Transits in Astrology, though this is a vast subject, I will explain it in brief. Transit is the current planet’s position. All the nine planets move at a certain pace, so based on that they change signs.
For example, if Mercury Dasha is running, then you have to check what sign and the constellation Mercury is advancing in the present date, and time. This position in your chart will give good or bad results.
Case Study for Depression
To illustrate some of the above Astrological Significators of Mental Illness, let me explain a case study, who recently committed suicide due to acute depression.
Sushant Singh Rajput Horoscope Analysis

The overview of the Lagna Chart and Navamsha Chart
- The Gemini Lagna and Lagna lord Mercury are in the 8th house with 5th lord and 12th lord Venus, 3rd lord Sun, 7th lord and 10th lord Jupiter, Jupiter is Badhak in this chart. The Badhak planet always gives difficulties.
- Moon is in the 12th house, though Moon is exalted in Taurus sign it’s in the house of losses, weakness, and isolation. So Moon is strong but it will give negative results. Also in the Navamsha chart, it is in the same sign, this is called Vargottam Navamsha, which means very strong results.
- Therefore Moon is weak in the above horoscope and it will give diseases like phobia, and depression. This weak Moon in fact hampered his thought process and forced him to take the wrong decision.
- The position of Jupiter plays a significant role, it’s debilitated in the 8th house and aspected by Saturn and Mars. Saturn is the lord of the 6th house, (illness) and the 7th house (Maraka), and aspects of the 8th house of fears and suddenness. This Saturn also aspected Moon in the 12th house. It completely blocked his mind with fears and phobias. This way a combination of the 6th 8th and 12th houses worsened the mental condition of the person and he committed suicide.
- The 4th lord (Sukh Bhav, the house of comfort and happiness) Mercury is in the 8th house. This made him fickle-minded and his brain stopped analyzing in a logical and wise way.
- The 5th house is occupied by Ketu and Mars,( 6th lord of illness.) Ketu is a headless planet, and conjunct with Mars. Such a negative impact on the 5th house ruined his intelligence and decision-making.
Read the Navamsha Chart…
- In the Navamsha Chart, the 8th lord is venus, and the 6th lord, the sun is in Lagna. This has actually strengthened the negative impact of planets on the person. Rahu in the 5th house, though made him famous but at the same time made him prone to depression. The Gemini, and Virgo signs, and Mercury is badly afflicted with Ketu. Due to this, he lost hope in life.
- Most importantly the above combinations got active in Jupiter- Saturn Dasha when Saturn got retrograde in the 8th house in transit along with retrograde Jupiter. Hence five planets in the 8th house and progressing Rahu in Lagna, made him take the drastic step.
- Thus adverse Dasha and transit had a serious impact on the person, he lost the power of logical decision making, lost hope, and chose to end life on his own, as his brain was not functioning properly.
Can Astrology help in solving mental illness: Remedies
While suggesting remedies for mental illness, the first remedy should be given to pacify Moon. If Moon is weak you should chant the Shivji mantra Om Namah Shivaya. Also, donate milk and water in the temple, and wear silver and pearl. Here I will add to check the north direction as in 99% of cases, this zone is imbalanced.
For Mercury, you should chant the Vishnu Bhagwan mantra, Om Namah Narayana. And donate green pulses in the temple, give greens to the cow, and also give stationary to young children.
The best remedy for Jupiter is to visit the temple on Thursdays and give fruits or sweets to the priest. Also, chant the Vishnu Bhagwan mantra.
Above all, I will suggest doing Pranayama and Meditations on an everyday basis. Physical exercise should be added to the routine. It is better if you talk to someone as shutting down and going into your own shell can worsen the situation.
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