In Vedic astrology, it’s really important to know when and what disease will manifest in a body. Today medical doctors can diagnose a disease but they cannot tell the timing of the disease. Therefore today I will explain 10 Astrological Combinations to point out disease in the horoscope. With this, you can easily predict the timing and kind of disease a person will face in his lifetime.
Astrological Combinations to check Disease in a chart
- The position of the Lagna and Lagna lord in a chart.
- The Position of the Moon and Sun.
- Planets in the 6th house.
- The position of 6th lord.
- Check the Nakshatra of Lagna, Lagna lord, Sun and Moon, 6th lord, and 8th lord.
- If the position of any of the above planets has any connection with the 6th, 8th, and 12th house or Badhak or Marak house the native is destined to get a disease in his body.
- Check the weakest planet in the chart and also the afflicted sign.
- Check the D-27 chart ( Saptavimshamsha chart) and see the weakest planets.
- In order to pinpoint disease, it’s important to check the signs and planets.
- All twelve signs and nine planets specify certain diseases. So if you have to get the name of the disease, you need to check which disease is repeatedly indicated.
Let us try to understand the above combinations with the help of an example
As the Mahadasha, Antardasha, and Pratyantardasha plus planets in the transit position, decide the good or bad events in one’s life.
A Case Study to Understand Disease Combinations

- Check the Ascendant sign and the planets posited.
- Cancer Lagna which is in Pushya {saturn] nakshatra, with Jupiter and moon, posited, Jupiter is again in Pushya nakshatra of Saturn which is the 6th lord and Marak for this chart, the moon is in Ashlesha nakshatra which is Gandanta nakshatra.
- Check the 6th house and the planets posited. 2nd lord sun is in the 6th house with the 5th lord Mars. Now 2nd house represents face and speech, Sun refers to brain-related issues and mars along, so Agni has caused dryness. This has resulted in dullness and lack of confidence.
- We will also check Saturn in the 2nd house with Rahu which is making the chart very weak.
- Venus is the Badhak of this chart and its position in the 4th house is ruining the comfort, luxury, money, fun, and enjoyment in his life.

- Check Lagna which is the 2nd lord of D-1, but since Lagna lord is in the 10th house with the Jupiter aspect, so this is the saving factor.
- Check the 6th lord Saturn exalted in the 3rd house with 2nd and 11th lord mercury. It shows the nervous system problems.
- The position of Mars in the 12th house is very weak.

- The weakest sign in this chart is Aries which is the 12th house of losses and Venus which is the Lagna lord and the 6th lord, Rahu along, so this combination has confirmed the disease of the native.
- So this native is suffering from brain~related disease, due to which he has no control over his body.
This way I have explained the best astrological combinations to find out the details of diseases, one might face in his lifetime. If you have been into Astrology for a while and want to dive deeper into this Vedic wisdom, then you can check disease in horoscope through KP Astrology. I strongly believe KP is the most accurate predictive tool of Astrology.