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Vedic Astrology offers some relevant combinations to see whether you will get a Government job or you will join a private job. Will I get a Government job according to my horoscope, will I crack the competitive exams? In fact, these are the most frequently asked questions in my experience. Now let’s first decode the term Government Job.
Description of Government Jobs
Every country is run by the government for proper management and welfare, so it can be any division like public sector banks, police, insurance department, Municipal Corporation Department, Income tax department and then there are Authoritative jobs in the ministry.
In order to get into a government job, you need to go through different competitive exams in which a lot of people compete and battle for limited seats. If you too are looking for a career as a government employee, the first thing that you need to do is identify your possibilities in the Horoscope. The strength of planets and the combinations clearly indicate your status in the profession.
Astrological Points for Govt. Jobs
- The Lagna, Lagna lord, and planets posited here, signifies the image of a person, the Rajyogas formed in 1st house, is of utmost importance. The strength of the first house can affirm what kind of position, a person will accomplish in his life.
- Govt. jobs get paid by taxes and 4th house is the house of masses and countrymen. Check the 2nd house to 4th house which is the 5th house. Those are the assets or savings of the masses. Therefore the 5th house is the house of public money.
- The 5th house and 5th lord should be very strong in a horoscope. It should be related (PAC) with the 10th house or 10th lord. This combination gives a High Rank in Govt. job.
- Sun should be very well placed as Sun being the Karaka of Govt. it can give high post and respectable jobs. Also, Sun decides the purpose of your soul, and if you follow your soul, then certainly it will show you the way towards excellence.
- Check the Dasha period as this will set the pattern of life. If 5th lord, 10th lord or you get the Dasha of Sun or Moon, then it’s a positive sign.
- Check the position of Jupiter, Mercury, and Moon as this will tell the intelligence level which is important at the time of selection.
- Check the position of Saturn as this is the natural Karaka of the 10th house.
- The position of the 6th house becomes very important as it is the house of services and struggle. The jobs related to Defence or Police need 6th house involvement, It might give a lower profile but still, dignity and job security are present.
- Now check the position of the 5th lord and 10th lord in D-9, if the planet is Combust or retrograde then it is weakened.
- Check the position of the 4th house, 4th lord, and Moon in D-10. So if you find a good combination, then the chances of a Govt. job becomes very high.
- Now check all the above combinations in D-1, D-9, D-10, and then see Dasha, if there is a repetition of combinations in all the charts then the probability of getting a Govt. job becomes very high.
- Dasha related to the 5th house is most beneficial at the time of joining the service.[PAC] in D-1, D-9 should also be considered.
- The strength of the 10th house and 10th lord will decide the high profile job.
- Different departments like IAS, IRS, require different houses for success. if it’s IRS then you need to check the combination of 2nd house and 10th house, 2nd house, and 6th house.
- The power of the natural 5th house Leo is also very important.

Government Rankings and Your Horoscope
The Indian government or the state government divides the public employees into various group rankings.
Level-1 Govt. Job
Level -1: People who get appointed into this group are officials of the highest attainable jobs. These executives are designated under the authority of the President of India.
For example Commissioned officers for the IAF (Indian Armed Forces)Central India Civil Services (IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS, IRS, IRTS) In this position the pay scale is high, countless perks, and most of all honor, pride, and job security is present. Now all these posts are such, every person aspiring for a government job will dream to accomplish.
To get into the office of Level -1 one needs the majority of the above-mentioned combinations.
The position of Sun, Leo sign, the 5th house and 10th house relation, 10th House planets, running Dasha at the time of joining plus the same combinations should be strong in D9 and D10 chart.
Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, and Moon should be very powerful or in Kendra and Trikona, making a raj yoga. The intelligence level, decision-making power, self-esteem, and a balanced mind. These are the most essential skills required to acquire this position. This group of employees is no less than a King, so definitely raj yoga should be formed.
Level-2 Govt. Job
Level – 2 (Gazetted/Non gazetted) The Gazetted officers have a more administrative role. Employees working in Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) and National Banks fall under the category along with office supervisors, state inspectors, office executives, and state police officers. The National Banks employees and Administrative jobs need strong Mercury, Moon, Sun, plus strong 4th house and 2nd house.
Non-Gazetted: The basic difference between the gazetted and non-gazetted employees of the government is that the former can authorize the issuance of official government stamps whereas, the latter cannot. Now since they are not authorized to issue stamps, then here Sun is weak or afflicted in such charts.
Always remember strong Sun and Leo Sign, and 5th house lord or planets posited, if making Rajyoga or very strong in all charts then the person will get promotions and get fame and status.
Level-3 Govt. Job
Level – 3: These are the public servants who are posted in various non-supervisory roles. For example Section Heads, Head clerks, tax assistants, Typists, Telephone operators, and individuals holding similar positions in the Armed forces.
Here role of Saturn and the 6th house plays a major role. Even this section goes through competitive exams but these exams are simpler as compared to the level -1 exams.
This way I have shared all the combinations which you need to check for a Government job at 3 different levels. It is advisable to check the Dasha period, at the time of writing the exam, also, even if there is less raj yoga then also I believe intelligence, determination, hard work, and willpower, these qualities can surely guide a person to achieve his dreams and aspirations.

A Case study of a Gazetted Officer(Level-2)

This is the horoscope of a person who holds a high profile in the Indian Ministry. So, first of all, check the Lagna and Lagna Lord. The Lagna lord Mars is making a Chandermagal yoga, which itself gives a ruling over masses.
And then the relation between the 5th house and the 10th house. In this chart, the 10th lord is in the 5th house with the 11th lord Mercury and the position of Sun in the 5th house is also very good.
The position of Jupiter in Lagna and Mercury in the 5th house is very strong. When he joined the job Jupiter MahaDasha, which is the 5th lord was going on, so again a strong sequence.
There is also a combination of 6th lord Mars and 4th lord Saturn in the 2nd house, so this assures of High rank in Ministry.

Let’s recheck all the combinations in D-9 as well. First of all check the Lagna, this is the 5th lord of D-1. The position of Sun, (which is the 10th lord of d1) in Lagna is very positive as this is the 6th lord, and Saturn in the 6th house is also a good combination. The position of Lagna lord in Kendra and aspect Lagna is a good sign. Also 9th lord of Bhagya in 10th house of status and recognition.

Now check the position of Moon in the 4th house in the D-10 chart. The next important combination is Lagna lord and 5th lord that is Sun and Mars in the 6th house of services. Again 5th lord of D-1 is the Lagna here. The position of 10th lord in Kendra and Aspecting Lagna is extremely good. This is also known as Padprapti, which means high position.
This way I have shared the most important combinations for a Govt. job. But if you want to check other options, of the profession, you can read the article on how to select a career option where I have given complete details about the combinations that actually help in different vocations. And trust me the right selection of career options at an early stage can take you towards perfection.