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Career Astrology: A career is the most important aspect of our life. Astrology is a predictive science and the combination of planets gives a lot of options in career selection.
I believe that if one gets guidance at the right time, then a lot of time money and energy can be saved. Students need to get the right guidance about their inclinations that give complete clarity of the subjects they had to pursue. In this way, Astrology can help in selecting a suitable career.
Education: Career Astrology
Before analyzing a career, the most important aspect is education or skill, and then the experience a person has acquired. A profession can be pursued only if you have a strong educational background in a related subject or have relevant experience in your creative field.
The first crucial factor is confusion about your inclinations, secondly the quality of your efforts, and lastly your values and principles. This can be analyzed with Triguna composition which is formed at the time of birth and stays the same till the last breath.
The Three Gunas – Triguna
Let me explain the term Triguna. Bhagwat Gita says every human being, when born has a fixed set of compositions that includes Satav Guna, Rajas Guna, and Tamas Guna.
The purpose of Horoscope analysis is to highlight the skill and purpose of one’s life, determination, mental strength, and expertise. And at the same time give solutions for shortcomings and low confidence.
All these attributes can be checked, but it requires complete information on the subject, good intuitive skills, and vast experience. I will explain all the relevant topics of Astrology in the selection of your career.
Education or Career Confusion? Contact and Connect Leena
Most important Houses: Career Astrology

The Lagna
Lagna is the first House, also called Ascendant and this is the first thing to check in a natal chart. The first house represents the Self, physical appearance, personality, longevity, and general health.
The planets posited and raja yogas formed in the first house are of utmost importance. These combinations denote the name, success, and wealth in a lifetime.
While analyzing a career in the horoscope, gives complete details of your passion, fortune, public image, and also about heights the person will achieve in a career. Therefore if Lagna is strong and has no negative influence, then it is surely a good sign of achieving heights in a Career.
Lagna Lord
The Lagna Lord should be well placed, and there should be no malefic influence on it. Malefic influence is when a planet makes a relation with the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses.
Lagna lord relation between the 5th Lord and 9th Lord makes a very strong raj yoga. and gives the best results. But if there is a negative influence PAC or posited in 6H, 8H, 12H then obstacles and fears, and delay disappointments add to your career path.
The position of Lagna Lord indicates that a person will work according to that house’s significance. For instance, if Lagna lord is in the 4th house, the person will work related to the hotel, nursing, or real estate.
This planetary position denotes the inclination of a person and the area where he will spend his maximum time. So if the person does work related to the Lagna lord’s position, he can do justice to his profession.
Lagna Nakshatra
There are 27 Nakshatras and every zodiac sign consists of 2 and 1/4 constellations. Lagna Nakshatra denotes the mindset, passion, and skill of a person.
The Nakshatra lord planet and its lordship are the ruling factors in a Horoscope. In this way, you get the assigned planet and a wide range of career options.
Moon Sign
Moon is the most significant planet in the chart, so it cannot be ignored in any area of concern in the horoscope. The Moon sign tells about the style and fixed traits of your Life.
In the professional analysis, if Moon is in a Cancer sign, it is a movable sign and the element is water, this signifies mobility and independence, in this way a sedentary lifestyle is not suggested.
Here you can add all the features of the sign Cancer for instance caretaker, HR, pharmacy, tourism, and a career that requires a lot of imagination, nurturing, and intuitive skills.
Moon Sign Lord and Moon Nakshatra
The Moon sign lord and its Nakshatra signifies the desires and tendencies of a person. If the Moon sign is Taurus, the lord is Venus and Nakshatra is Bharani.
Now here Venus related work is added to your career options. Venus PAC will again give you options for your inclination, and past life tendencies. This means that the person can be gifted with knowledge of the career field, he will take in his life.
The Moon Nakshatra and its deity tell the purpose of your life and the pattern of your career. Moon is your mind, whatever the Moon sign signifies, it means that your mind is connected to the attributes shown by that planet.
For instance, if Moon is in the Venus sign, the Mind is more into materialistic things, fancy cars, luxurious and branded stuff. Here you need to know the complete details of all planets. This way you can check the position of the Moon and get to know about your inclinations toward a subject.
2nd House Planets
When we talk about Career Selection, the most important factor is Money, so 2nd Lord and planets posited or PAC tells about the accumulated wealth of a person, if the person has good savings, and earns huge money then it will make relation with 11th lord. If it connects the 6th, 8th, and 12th House then there are chances of ruining his own money or obstacles in accumulating money.
The 6th house can add debt or loans, the 8th house can either get ancestral money or sudden loss, and the 12th house will either add expenses or losses. There are no good or bad houses, it’s just the combination of planets that fructify events in Astrology.
10th House Planets
In Career Horoscope Analysis, firstly you should check 10th House, planets posited here and PAC (Position, Aspect, Conjunct) as these are of utmost importance. The 10th House tells us about the name, fame, and status, So the PAC planets will make your career selection, simpler.
6th House Planets
The 6th House is the house of services, so the PAC planets give a clear picture of your job, and related planets will expand your career options. Like if the 6th house is related to the 12th house and all Benefic planet influence then a job can be in a foreign land.
11th House Planets
Massive Wealth in Astrology: The 11th House signifies the gains and fulfillment of desires. If more planets are posited here, Then it means one will get more than the efforts. Here the profits can be through clubs, society, social circles, and event management.
When creativity is seen then the 5th house is involved. It is the house of greed, and the 6th to 6th house is the 11th house, and this adds greed and ambitions.
When Lagna lord is in the 11th house then you have everything but are still highly ambitious. The 11th house is the house of amplification, it increases or multiplies desires. And planets here will take the person towards the fulfillment of desires as this is the strongest Kaam Bhav.
Importance of Nine Planets in Suitable Career Astrology

While analyzing a horoscope for the profession, you will see the relation of many planets. But every planet has different career options to offer. So First let me explain the career astrology and options all nine planets have to offer. The keywords signified by the group of selected planets are extremely helpful in suggesting career choices.
This is the 5th lord of the Natural Zodiac
It gives career options related to govt. services, administrative departments, and Politicians. Sun is the leader among all the planets and hence all of them rotate around the Sun. Thus sun governs Diplomacy, Arbitration, and Leadership.
Also, it includes the father’s profession, social services, political science, gold, and diamond merchant.
Being the 5th lord of the natural zodiac, it can give profession related to sports, creativity, hobbies, children, and entertainment.
Sun is the Karaka of immunity, Medicine, healing, and recovery. Therefore surgeons, doctors, Educational researchers, Social Science professors, and Spiritual advisors.
It has the fire of austerity and hence can indicate Meditation or a related discipline of mind control. As the Sun rules rhythm, it grants the knowledge of Musician and Instrumentalist.
This is the 4th lord of the Natural Zodiac
It is a watery planet, so career options can be related to liquid, pearl industry, shipping, or navigation. In sports, it can be related to the swimming department.
In the food industry Hotel Managers, production, sales, street food, seafood, confectionery, and chefs are included. Also career in Travel and Tourism, agriculture, fruits, and vegetables can be taken.
This is also a Karaka of mother-caretaker, nursing, medical department, and Human Resources. Then Astrologers and writers are also included in this as a lot of imagination and intuitive skills are required in this profession.
This is the 1st and 8th lord of the Natural Zodiac
It is a fiery planet so all heat-producing, machinery, engineering, technical industry, and weapons, are included in career options. Today computer programming has become very popular, so that requires intuitive skills. Here, Mars is the 8th lord who can give inclination to such languages as machine learning and artificial intelligence.
It also gives career options related to Defense, army, police, navy, and Airforce career
it represents stamina and vitality, so all sports careers can be included in this. And being 8th lord and Scorpio sign involvement, it opens the hidden sectors also like occult science, tantra, and Vastu shastra.
Food Industry
it will give career options related to restaurants, the food, and beverages department, and chef.
Also, this is a Karaka of land and real estate, so all estate agents, construction workers, and associates fall in this category. Even building material like bricks, cement, and sand is governed by this hot planet.
So basically you have to see the combination of planets. And if the majority of planets point to a certain vocation, that will only show us the direction. As of today, it is difficult to specify a profession. But I strongly believe that a strong passion and astrological suggestion show rays of the right profession.
This is the 3rd and 6th lord of the Natural Zodiac
The joyful planet Mercury represents the intelligence, logic, and education sector. As books are one of the media of communication gives career options related to Library, writings, authorship, knowledge of literature and linguistics, publication, printing, stationery, documentation, and teaching.
All the 3rd house-related options like news either through radio or T, V., you can also see jobs related to accounts, calculations, statistics, trading, and banking.
Mercury is communication, decision making, and your mental ability. If Mercury is strong, one will express himself in such language, which will have an impact on another person. Therefore Diplomats, ambassadors, and public speakers are also covered in this.
Media publishers, legal advisors, psychologists, intelligence bureau in RAW, CIA, and above all only a well-placed Mercury can flourish in Business. It is the significator of the 7th house of business partnerships.
Jupiter is the 9th and 12th lord of the Natural Zodiac
Jupiter’s profession will be related to 9th House and 12th house significations. All financial organizations, banking, insurance, Auditing, law, and order, lawyers and judges, and Managerial or higher posts only a strong Jupiter can give.
Since it has the lordship of the 9th house so all religious organizations, Gurus, yogi, sanyasi, and philosophers can be included. Jupiter also holds the lordship of the 12th house so Philanthropists and writers, as it needs a lot of imagination, and lastly Jupiter also gives the option of being Ambassador of the Embassy.
This is the 2nd and 7th lord of the Natural Zodiac
It signifies creativity, passion, and romance. Art and Culture- dance, music, theatre, and Entertainment. And also Romantic Novels and writings, stage performances, and musicians. So Venus is the significator of beauty, luxury, and artistic things.
All sorts of luxury, extravagance, and sex-related things are included in this. Like Cars, restaurants, casinos, and fast-food chains.
Venus also rules the industry of fashion, textiles, apparel, cosmetics, and accessories. Jewelry, Saloons, furniture, and handicrafts, then come perfumes, alcohol, and drug dealers.
Since it rules the 2nd house, so food industry and money-related organizations, and also it has the lordship of the 7th house, so marketing, business, partnership, and tourism. Above all, it also signifies Sculpture and the painter’s creativity with hands.
This is the 10th and 11th lord of the Natural Zodiac
This signifies the iron and steel industry, real estate, construction, metals, oils, gas, law, and order, and Judiciary.
It gives career options related to securities, hardware, fertilizers, leather, raw materials of any kind, coal mines, and all-metal mining. Jobs related to jails, asylums, hospitals, also excise, and customs departments are included in this.
Saturn is the main karaka of jobs and this is the reason its position is very important in a natal chart in career readings.
It is the North Node of the Moon
It does not have any physical body so the career options are those which are more into manipulation, illusion, smoke, and invisible stuff.
This explodes the energy of the planet it is posited, so if with Venus – secret organization, CBI, RAW, Chemical industry, and scientist.
As Rahu works against social norms so it also includes hidden things like black magic, and harmful products like alcohol, cigarette, and tobacco.
Virtual World
Rahu if with mercury can give options like electronics, computer department, and I.T. All new-age technology stuff, that is used to make an online presence. Like video creation, 3D animation, virtual reality, graphic designing, and so on.
Rahu also represents foreign land, as it is a separatist planet. So either work in a foreign country or association with foreign products and companies. All museums, jails, asylum, and old buried things are governed by Rahu, so a career in these sectors can also be expected.
In politics Rahu plays a huge role, as it is clever and manipulative, it gives obsession and is an attention seeker.
And lastly, it includes the Glamour world, photography, video making, screening, animations, and even the fashion industry, I would end Rahu’s options with the words that this planet provokes you to do wrong, and ultimately makes you face punishment. So if you take a Rahu-related vocation, keep Mars and Saturn approach, as this will protect you from Rahu’s temptations and attachments.
Ketu is the South Node of the Moon
This represents reality and truth, a secret knowledge that very few people are aware of, so more of tough work, like coding, programming, or research-oriented work.
This is a separatist planet, it gives you detachment from all sorts of materialistic things, takes you towards truth and Liberation, and you tend to have an association with religious or spiritual organizations. It will also give options like Vedic teachers, healers, astrologers, Vastu, and philosophy.
Career Astrology: Modality/Quality of Signs
Modality | Signs | Keywords |
Movable | 1 4 7 10 Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn | Independence, impulsive, and activeness. |
Fixed | 2 5 8 11 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius | Stability, fixed mindset, and not ready to change easily. Also very persistent in approach. |
Dual | 3 6 9 12 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. | Have a dual nature, so flexible, communicative, and versatile. Also, it depends upon degrees: 1-15 degree fixed sign results 16 -30 degrees movable results |
Career Astrology: Significance of Elements
Elements | Zodiac Sign | Sign Lord | Influence |
Fire | Aries, Leo, Sagittarius | Mars Sun Jupiter | Action They are very Authoritative. Mind is Sharp and intellectually very strong. Perfectionists, and work for gains or benefits. |
Earth | Taurus Virgo, Capricorn | Venus Mercury Saturn | Practicality They Believe in Stability and long-term plans. Finance and solidarity focused and very stubborn. |
Air | Gemini Libra Aquarius | Mercury Venus Saturn | Mentality They Have a strong intellect, Restlessness, and fear are inherent. Like to Gather knowledge and present it systematically. |
Water | Cancer Scorpio Pisces | Moon Mars Jupiter | Feelings They are Most intuitive and extremely sensitive. Very Emotional, and Insecure. They are caretakers and home lovers. |
Career Astrology: The Modality and Elements Charts
These denote significant details that will give you a lead to follow, which can eventually help you in narrowing down your career options.
I have discussed planets, and houses’ significance in career horoscope readings. Now I will put some light on Modality and Elements. The above charts explain Modality– Movable, Fixed, Dual, and Four Elements, Fire, Earth, Air, and Water...
As per my experience, this is the first step in Horoscope analysis. And if you understand to relate all combinations. Then you will reach those planets that will clearly indicate a career suitable for you. Let me explain, with an Example Horoscope:

An Airy sign: They have a strong intellect, restlessness, and fear are their inherent nature. They gather knowledge and put it systematically.Â
A fixed sign: The person will be of a fixed and stable mindset, not ready to change but very persistent and methodological.
Therefore all these attributes add a basic approach to their career. As whatever career they will choose, they will work with these inherent qualities. So fundamentally these elements and modalities show the static approach of a person.
Career Astrology: How to analyze Navamsha Chart
Career Analysis without considering Navamsha Chart would be incomplete. As Navamsha Chart tells about the internal health of the Lagna chart. The position of Navamsha Planets gives the complete status of life events. While analyzing your Career, check the 10th Lord of D-1 chart, in the Navamsha chart. So this particular planet, the Rashi, and PAC will put more light on your career selection. Lastly, check the 10th lord of Navamsha PAC.
I will explain the position of the 10th lord of the Lagna chart. And the 10th lord of the Navamsa chart with the help of an example.
The Lagna Chart
In the D-1 chart shown below the10th lord is Mercury. And Mercury is placed in the Pisces sign, with Ketu in the Navamsha chart. The profession will be related to financial organizations, banking, and insurance. Also, Auditing, law, and the order can be expected. In fact lawyers and judges, Managerial or higher posts only a strong Jupiter can give.
has the lordship of the 9th house so all religious organizations, Gurus, yogi, sanyasi, and philosophers can be included. This also holds the lordship of the 12th house. So Philanthropists, foreign land, and writers, as it needs a lot of imagination.
Ketu conjunction will open options like coding, programming, or research-oriented work. Ketu is a separatist planet so it gives you detachment from all sorts of materialistic things. It takes you towards truth and Liberation, you tend to have an association with religious or spiritual organizations

Let’s start the Navamsha chart with Lagna, it’s Aquarius, sign, and this is the 6th lord of the D-1 chart, now the 10th house is the Scorpio sign and Mars is the lord of Scorpio, so all the career options signified by Mars can be considered.
Since Mars is fiery and heat-producing, so are all machinery, engineering, and technical industry. It also includes career-related to Weapons, Defence, army, police, navy, and Airforce. Mars is a Karaka of land and real estate, so all estate agents, construction workers, and associates.
Mars is conjunct with Saturn, it represents a lot of hard work and technicality. Also being Lagna lord and 12th lord in the 11th house, it gives a message that due to self-effort (1st house) and foreign investments, the native will gain money and fulfill his desires.
Career Astrology: How to analyze Dasamsha Chart
Career Analysis with D-10 or Dasamsha chart gives the real picture of your career. Perhaps it is the most important divisional chart to analyze the Karma of a person, the prime reason behind his birth, and the duties he has to perform for society.
Firstly Check the Dasamsha chart Lagna sign, then movable or fixed, and lastly elements- Fire, earth, air, and Water. The house lordships in the D-1 chart and D-10 chart show a link, and this will demonstrate the occupation of your life.
I will explain the combinations with the help of the chart below.
- Check D-10, Lagna is Cancer sign.
- Cancer is the 11th lord of the D-1 chart
- Highlight the career options according to options given by Moon, water element, and 11th Lords in the chart.

Analysis of Dasamsha Chart in Career Astrology
- Check the 10th house, and the planets posited in this house.
- See the 10th lord and the conjunct planets.
- Here Ketu is in the 10th house, which signifies technical, hidden, and tough work.
- The 10th lord Mars is in the 3rd house. And in the Virgo sign, Mercury is the lord which represents the communication department. This also includes logic, business, calculations, statistics, trading, and banking.
- Now check the career options, of Mercury, Ketu, and Mars, you will get a clear picture of the native’s career. Sun in the 7th house in the Saturn sign. As a result, the person will have to work very hard.
- The Movable Lagna and 10th house Aries sign state that the person can travel for his profession. Mars the 10th lord, a fiery planet in the earthy sign, in the 3rd house. In conclusion, a technical profession, related to communication, will be suggested for a Career.
This way I have given complete details to check your profession through Vedic Astrology. I believe if one follows a structured method to analyze horoscope, then one will not miss any important segment. If you have any confusion about your career path, Contact Me Here.