What exactly is the Entertainment Industry Can you make a professional career out of it Well, there is only one purpose for getting into this industry and that is Fame and Stardom Today the entertainment industry has become so big,...
The North-East Direction: Vastu is the science of the 16 directions and Five Elements of nature mainly Every direction has fixed traits and the five elements support and oppose each other And if you know the secret behind this fixed...
Job in KP Astrology: A high-paying career is the dream of today’s era Everyone aspires to it, but why is it that only a handful can achieve it First, let’s understand what exactly it means Then, I will share KP...
Dasha Results in KP Astrology: There are various calculations made to mark the dasha period like Char dasha, Ash tottari dasha, Yogini dasha, and Vimshottari Dasha In KP Astrology Vimshottari dasha is used and it is actually the most accurate...
Ketu in 12th House: Ketu is a very inspirational planet and so it represents extremely complicated and drastic emotional states The spirited side of Ketu is emphasized when in watery sign or Moksha bhav Ketu symbolizes seclusion and separation from...
Ketu is the karaka of intuitive intelligence, detachment, liberation, and in-depth knowledge The position of Ketu in the horoscope shows a bigger concept and an incredible skill that a layman cannot even understand or visualize The skill that you have...
The fusion of Astrology and tarot cards is absolutely intuitive and valuable My keen interest and love in mystic science got me into the practice of testing with so many other branches of Occult science I started this journey, with...
Predictions in KP Astrology: Life is a continuous journey, where you come across different types of associations And each association comes to you as per the stage of your life The journey begins with the most beautiful and pure connection...
Ketu in 8th House in astrology: Ketu is the most devoted, spiritual, and secretive planet in the horoscope This states one’s planned goals, and generally, these objectives are hidden So one has to go through many experiences, which directly, do not clarify...
Vedic Astrology is a vast ocean of knowledge And it is really complex, to read all classic books written by Maharishis, comprehend, and then memorize the divine knowledge So my purpose in writing this blog is to guide those, who...