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Ketu is the karaka of intuitive intelligence, detachment, liberation, and in-depth knowledge. The position of Ketu in the horoscope shows a bigger concept and an incredible skill that a layman cannot even understand or visualize. The skill that you have mastered in your previous life. This is the reason that there is always some sort of passion and magic streak in the Ketu position in the birth chart. Hence such an area in your chart, where lies frustration and also where you are most vulnerable.
Where Ketu is placed, there is the possibility of naturally “sacrificing” that area of life. But this phase comes after certain age or fulfillment of desire. So till Ketu gets mature, it can cause people to act in a perverted, unreasonable manner. Remember the goals of Ketu are complex and probably hidden.
Significance of Ketu in 11th House
The 11th house represents Gains and success in undertakings, fulfillment of hopes and wishes. This also shows the house of friends, society, supporters, well-wishers, and associates. The 11th house indicates recovery from ill health, profits, and prosperity.
Now Ketu being the psychic planet is posited in the Kaama trikona. A Moksha Karak in the house of material gains. Ketu’s placement in your chart shows that there is an inborn trait related to that house. It is the most psychic planet in the chart and if afflicted then it starts working at lower aspects and gives all sorts of fears phobias and other strange mental states while dealing with desires and gains. But if it is strong then one makes profits and gains very easily in life.
Ketu in Upachaya and Trishdaya Bhav
Trishdaya Bhav: The 3 6 11 houses, in fact, gives pain and stress in life.
Upachaya Bhav: These 3 6 10 11 houses give material gains if linked with Arth Bhav, and making dhan yoga in the chart.
Bhavat bhavam concept: The 6th from 6th house is the 11th house. So this increases the pressure on Prarabdha karma – 6th house.
Ketu is a spiritual and intuitive planet, that has no head, so with his past skills and intuitive understanding, he takes decisions. But here if Ketu is weak then it will behave like a child who has less intelligence and is capable of ruining the gains and profits by taking emotional decisions.
In such a case Ketu is weak and behaves like weak Mars. And Ketu is the co- lord of the Scorpio sign, this adds obstacles and pains to Ketu. Here one can make mistakes and takes hasty decisions to make money. Ketu in 11th shows our mindset toward community and the idea of group benefit.
Jupiter and Ketu
Jupiter is the main karaka of the 11th house, so Jupiter features wisdom, higher knowledge, and intelligence transferred to Ketu. Now Ketu is a spiritual planet, that has intuitive intelligence and works for others. He is a pure karma yogi.
Here is the secret – If one makes profits and gains as per Ketu traits like purity, largeheartedness, and simplicity, then Ketu gives gains. But if one becomes manipulative and clever in a social circle, then Ketu takes the demon trait. Then Ketu has to take the journey of facing losses, separation, and rejections.
Marriage: Ketu in 11th House
The 11th house is the 5th from the 7th house of partnership or relationship. This states the love of your companion. Ketu in the partner’s heart states detachment, separation, pain, and sacrifice.
But the positive part is that if your spouse is passionate about Ketu things like Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, and in-depth study of mystical studies or even tough Computer languages then Ketu gets the right direction. Then marriage can be retained due to the purity and the spiritual attitude of Ketu.
But if Ketu is aspected or conjunct with malefic planets like Mars and Saturn then one can acquire spiritual knowledge but it will separate in the relationship. Because in this case, Ketu gets the trait of 8th house. As Saturn is the karaka and Mars is the 8th lord of the natural zodiac. That is the difference between malefic and benefic planet association.
If Jupiter aspects Ketu then one gets prosperity, and fortune due to past life good deeds. As Jupiter is the karaka of the 5th house, the Purva Punya Bhav.
Career: Ketu in 11th House
The 11th house represents your success in undertakings, profits, society, and friends circle. If the 11th house gets linked with career and finance script then one gets gains in his profession.
Now Ketu is a headless planet and in the house of desires and ambitions. Here it will give the best results if one is linked with the government authorities or Ketu-related professions like Ayurveda, Healings, and even association with spiritual organizations.
Ketu is the moksha karaka planet therefore 12th house and the Scorpio sign are governed by it. This means that if one makes gains and profits through the involvement of the Scorpio sign like mystical or esoteric knowledge, then one will get fulfillment. And most importantly, in such a profession, one cannot expect huge gains initially. And if one becomes uncharitable then Ketu triggers all adverse aspects of the 12th house. This can either give losses or continuous changes in his profession.
Here one needs to check that if there are other planets conjunct with Ketu, then those planets’ results will also be added, and this can either make one a go-getter or a confused personality, who wants to gain through friends and close acquaintances.
Ketu in the 11th house can give earnings only if you are less desirous and more into philanthropy or charity. Because then Ketu activates its past life mastered skills, which give returns with less effort.
Transit Ketu in the 11th house
When Ketu transits in the 11th house of the horoscope for 18 months, one should see what other planets are associated with the 11th house.
Because Ketu represents blockage and detachment so it can your end desires and even ambitions. Or you will face sudden circumstances in the community. So this gives detachment related to planets posited in the 11th house.
In those 18 months, you develop a passion for hidden science, and your associations or friends get Ketu effects. If you are involved in Ketu’s work like coding, in-depth data research, or occult science, then you will get happiness else Ketu will end one means of earnings and make you long for other esoteric tracks to make profits earnings. The reason is that Ketu is a headless planet, and it is suspicious for no purpose.
Ketu’s position tells you that you have realized that particular house-associated activity. Here you have an attitude of “let’s learn from the past.” The 11th house is the Desires and wishes house. So here Ketu will give the best results if you have pure intentions and has a charitable mindset. This can also make one experience some rough phases, where you will learn lessons from life.
Then strong Ketu gets functioning. And your past skills help in this life to give outstanding results related to social circle and use best of Psychic research, and occult investigations.
Ketu Does not Desire Material Progress.
It has higher goals and shows the way of liberation as it is the Moksha karaka planet. Therefore if Ketu is linked with Upachaya bhav, initially it might attract one towards friends and gains but after the age of 42, it moves towards higher goals.
But this is only possible if one actually apprehended the hidden truth and wants to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death through sacrifice, pure intentions, and selfless actions.