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Rahu in 10th House: Rahu is an illusionary planet and also a significator of intellect. It gives results as per its sign lord, Nakshatra, the conjunct planets, and the Karaka of house. The strength can further be checked in divisional charts.
Rahu works on lower principles or higher principles. If it is strongly placed and has the Jupiter aspect plus a strong position in the Navamsha Chart (D-9) then it will never show you the wrong track. It will take you towards real knowledge and the ability to look through illusions.
Let’s check the signification of the 10th House. The 10th house represents your Karmas, name and fame, reputation, and your career. It also rules power and prestige, esteem and status, ambition, and authority, in your life. If you have Rahu in the 10th house then you surely want to have a great image in the world. You have the power to grab the attention of a common man. Wow, the World.
Actually, where Rahu is placed you tend to make mistakes as this is the area you need to master, so you are not an expert, you might see failures, ups, and downs. Rahu can make you very arrogant and restless here, you become very conscious of your image and reputation.
If you follow the wrong path to attain fame then Rahu will give. But it will make you infamous one day. Thus the most reliable way to control Rahu is to follow Saturn rules. You should be organized and disciplined in your life, help poor people, and respect elders.

Spouse/ Marriage: Rahu in the 10th house
When Rahu is in the 10th house, it will be taken as the 4th house from the 7th house of marriage. Now, this is your spouse’s house, and mother. Rahu’s position in this house shows obsession and impulsive tendencies in your partner’s comfort and happiness. Rahu is karaka of 8th house. So hidden elements, sudden events, and even pain, these keywords can be used for a spouse’s home.
Here Rahu will take the road of fake show off, of money and status, and achieve success in unethical ways. This also describes your partner’s mother. So the Rahu effect on the mother can make her look strange and act in an unexpected way.
Let’s combine all the above significations. Rahu brings negative thoughts, ego, materialism, and increases Lobha (Greed), which increases desires and attachments. So due to materialistic desires, and ego your marriage will face ups and downs.
Even the partner’s mother can act in an unusual tone, and will also break rules to attain materialistic things. Due to ill behavior and too much materialism, to attain comfort and happiness, marriage will have to face a lot of conflicts and get hurdles.
Rahu also represents diplomacy and manipulations, lies, and tricks. Therefore if your mind and home are possessed by a trickster, then your spouse can be manipulative and strange. She would also create confusion. Hence the harmony of your marriage can be affected by Rahu.
Profession/ Career: Rahu in the 10th House
Rahu in Artha houses like 2, 6, 10, clearly make one money-minded and career-oriented. Your profession should have some Rahu effect else Rahu will bring effect in its strange ways. Rahu-related Career includes Technology, research, Occult, entertainment industry, or some foreign connection. One can even work in an MNC.
Here fame will grow but you will have to make extra effort to achieve fame. People should recognize your face by your name. So your brand identity can make you popular.
Therefore you should try social media for recognition, the more followers you have, the more money you will make. Rahu can make you an attention seeker as well. It also depends on the position of Rahu’s sign lord. Hence if it is well placed then Rahu will surely give good results.
You want people to know you, respect you, admire you, and you want fame and popularity as well. In fact, the Sun is very strong in the 10th house. So Rahu here acts like an exalted Sun so it wants respect and considers itself very talented and futuristic.
Rahu in 10th House: Aspects and Conjunction
To understand Rahu in the 10th house, it’s important to analyze its dispositor. Rahu does not have its own sign but shares the lordship of Aquarius and the karaka of the 8th house. Due to this, it can bring sudden ups and downs in life. One might take decisions against social norms, face anxiety, and instability.
Rajyogas Analysis: Good or Bad Effects of Rahu in 10th House
Check the position of the sign lord and its further lordship. Next check the position of its star lord. Then planets aspecting and conjunct, if malefic then they increase obstacles and confusions and if benefic planets PAC then it can make Rahu, a benefic planet, which works positively for the person.
And most importantly, if Rahu is in the 10th house, this is a Kendra Bhav, and if aspected by Trikon lord, that is 5th and 9th lord then it creates Rajyoga in the Birth Chart. And Rajyogas give immense wealth and prosperity in their respective Dasha line.
Rahu in 10th House: Transit Results
When Rahu travels in the 10th house for 18 months, it will bring a major change in your profession, as this is the Upachaya house, as this gives rise in your career but after the age of 30. As this house grows with time. The results will be strictly based on the natal position and other Dhan yogas.
So if Rahu is not getting the benefic planet aspect, then it makes you do some blunders regarding your profession. Rahu brings ups and downs and has the element of suddenness. It creates cloudiness in your mind and makes you take such decisions, which are illegal and against traditions.
Rahu transit will definitely show all these possibilities but if Jupiter and Moon are strong in the chart then such transit will give you a marvelous career break.
Rahu in 10th House is considered a very good position. Actually, it gives a boost to your career. If your profession includes options that have a Rahu connection, then it will give you fame and recognition, the status will be changed in its Dasha.
Just keep in mind that Rahu represents desires and a fake identity, and you still have to learn lessons to reach heights. Just follow the principles and ideologies laid by Sun, then Rahu cannot give its negative effect.