What is Pitta Dosha Pitta dosha is the Ayurvedic mind-body type that is associated with fire and water It’s sharp and hot in nature and governs metabolism and all things heat-related in the mind and body Pitta is the dosha...
What is Vata Dosha What is Vata Dosha The combination of Ether and Air form Vata The normal functions of Vata in the body are movement, respiration, and ingestion of food and water Vata dosha is the Ayurvedic mind-body type...
The name “Ayurveda” is derived from two words in Sanskrit, “ayuh” meaning “life” or “longevity” and “Veda” meaning “science” or “sacred knowledge” Ayurveda’s definition therefore roughly translates as “the science of longevity” or “the sacred knowledge of life...
Education in Vedic Astrology: The main goal of today’s generation is to attain such an education that can emerge in a successful career Consequently right from childhood, anxiety starts forming The majority of students are equipped to work laboriously, and...
How to find Diabetes in Vedic Astrology: Diabetes has become very common these days, even the younger generation is found suffering from this disease So I believe health should be given prime importance, and thinking that you are young and...
Job or Business in Astrology: Should I do my own business or take the job offer I want to be the Boss of my own company Or should I take the lucrative job offer Well, if this kind of query...
Heart Disease In Medical Astrology & Remedies: Today Heart Disease has become so common due to a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food intake, setting high targets and taking huge stress, insufficient sleep, no physical exercise, and many anxiety disorders What causes...
In Vedic Astrology, note down the the twelve houses, Nine planets, 27 Nakshatras, and their position in a horoscope This clearly depicts the mental condition of a person Today I will explain some Astrological Significators of Mental Illness These cause...
Career Astrology: A career is the most important aspect of our life Astrology is a predictive science and the combination of planets gives a lot of options in career selection I believe that if one gets guidance at the right...
The attributes of the five elements water, air, fire, earth, and space ( Jal, Vayu, Agni, Prithvi, and Aakash) have been considered as Tridosha ( Vata, pitta, and Kapha in Ayurveda and Triguna in Yoga) In Vastu, the concept of...
What is Vastu Shastra – Vastu is the science of directions that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with man and the material Vastu Shastra creates a congenial setting or a place to live or work,...
What exactly is Rahu, and how can we analyze its strength Should one be scared if Rahu is active during the ongoing dasha period Rahu in Astrology need a lot of in-depth study Some people achieve the best results during...