In Astrology there are over 1000 different planetary combinations.
When you see 2 or more than 2 planets in a house, it is called conjunction in astrology. This conjunction can be same in hundred’s of charts, but the meaning will be different in each person life.
What if you learn to interpret these planetary combinations, using PAC – position aspect conjunction. In this guide, we will learn about planetary combinations.
So what do planets conjunct create in partnership? And how to create that unique message.
This Creativity makes horoscope reading so deep and meaningful, as this activates your 8th house – that signfies Astrology.
In this Astrology Guide, you will:
Want the EASY way to read combinations in the horoscope? You’re invited to Download my Free Guide – Learn Planetary Conjunction – A Guide to Astrology Combinations.
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Hi, I’m Leena Aurora, an Astrologer and Vastu Consultant with over 10 years of experience in Vedic Astrology, KP Astrology, and Vastu Shastra. I help people understand their unique skills and navigate life’s challenges through their horoscopes.
Astrology isn’t about predicting the future or exploiting people’s pain. It’s about using Vedic wisdom to understand why things happen and empowering you to face them with resilience. Our struggles are linked to past karmas, and astrology reflects these karmic imprints.
As an astrologer, my role is to guide you through practical remedies to lessen the impact of past actions. Within you lies a healing intelligence focused on joy, ease, and freedom. I specialize in addressing Kundli Doshas and past life karmas, using Vedic solutions to help you achieve harmony, fulfill goals, find financial security, improve careers and relationships, attract romance, and boost energy and health.
My goal is to create balanced minds and vibrant spaces at home through Astrological and Vastu skills. I believe in sharing knowledge, as it grows when shared. Remember, astrology chooses you; it’s a divine wisdom that reveals itself through purity and faith.
Let’s journey through this path of occult knowledge together!
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4239, Sector B, Pocket 5&6
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi